Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Building Trust

Trust is a necessary thing for any group to be successful. Developing trust with group members takes time and patience but it is a rewarding                                                                                          experience.

Trust is something you must earn from others. It is a level of comfort you achieve after getting to know someone better. The best way to develop relationships and get to know group members is to show interest in others before they show interest you. This is how I have gained many of my close friends. I was the first to inquire more about them. When speaking to others, you need to be genuine. People know when you truly don’t care.

Developing a healthy relationship with co-workers outside of work will establish further trust. Be the one that invites the new co-worker to happy hour. Follow up after the weekend and see where they went with their family. Be the first one to do these things. It shows your co-worker you truly care about them as a person. These type of interactions will enhance your work experience together. Trust applies to every aspect of a relationship between two people.

At the end of the day to truly gain someone’s trust, you need to put in the hard work on your end. If you are consistently hitting deadlines and going above and beyond, people will notice. When you are assigned a challenging task, others will remember that overtime you put in on the last project. You need to perform if you expect others to perform.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Transformational Leadership

Many of the ideas from this blog came from and other leadership discussions that have occurred in the leadership track. 

This leadership style requires a leader that identifies a need for change. This leader must set clear goals and lead by example. One of the most important things in transformational leadership is connecting your followers' sense of self to the to focus of the organization. 

There are 4 steps to becoming a transformational leader. 

1. Create an Inspiring Vision of the Future

A leader must be able to paint a picture of what the future could be. This message must pique people's interest and be applicable to a large population. To inspire others you need to comprehend their values. The focus of the organization must take into consideration the capabilities of your people. Your goals must be realistic and obtainable.

2. Motivate People to Buy Into and Deliver the Vision

Reflecting back on your groups purpose you need to connect with your followers and show them where you are going. It is necessary to remind people how this change will benefit the organization and its followers. As a leader you need to be able to show others how they can contribute to the vision. Motivating your people is an important part of these step. It is essential for a leader to know their followers because everyone is motivated by different means. 

3. Manage Delivery of the Vision 

Time to make the vision a reality. A leader will need to designate different tasks and responsibilities to the various group members based on their strengths and weaknesses.  It is important for the group to be able to track their progress. In addition, short term goals will keep followers motivated and on target with long term goals. 

4. Build Strong Trust-based Relationships With Your People

As a transformational leader, it is important to support and help your followers reach their goals. Keeping your followers involved and with a sense of purpose will keep them happy. A leader needs to understand what his people wants and beliefs are. Its important for a leader to develop personal relationships with his peers. A leader is nothing without the support and trust of his pupils. 

In summary, a transformational leader is able to inspire and empower his followers to act on a vision. A leader doesn't only preach a vision, they must "walk the walk" and lead by example. Group members hold each other to high standards but continue to give constructive feedback. The final task as a transformational leader is to foster and develop relationships with your followers.


Transformational Leadership: Becoming an Inspirational Leader. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2015, from