Friday, April 25, 2014

Leadership Tract-Public Speaking Course

UConn Pharmacy Leaders Tract-Public Speaking Course

The UConn Pharmacy Leaders Tract is composed of pharmacy students from all years P1-P4. There are currently 15 tract students as we enter our second year as a program. Dr. Schlesselman is the faculty advisor and oversees our individual tract projects.

This past semester was the first time we incorporated a public speaking class as requirement of the tract.  The public speaking course was an idea that was brought up by Paul Ahearn, who is also a returning tract member. This public speaking course became Paul’s leadership project. Dr. S and Paul worked together to form a syllabus and conduct the class each week.To be completely honest, the idea of an additional class was stressful to me. As pharmacy students we all have other commitments. Whether it be the full class load, IPPE hours, professional organizations, or work there is always something you need to be doing. So another class was the last thing I wanted to think about. However as the semester comes to a close I have grown to really appreciate this class and actually look forward to it each week. This class has forced me out of my comfort zone and made me a more effective public speaker.

Paul created three different speech assignments. The first assignment was an elevator speech, which to me, proved to be the most difficult speech. For this assignment I had to physically be riding up and down in an elevator while giving my speech. I found it very difficult to keep my tone and train of thought as people came on and off the elevator.The second assignment was an instructional speech. I tried my best to think of something that would be both entertaining and useful for college students. I decided on teaching my fellow tract members how to iron a dress shirt. The funny thing is I had to first teach myself how to properly iron. Before this assignment, I had never ironed an article of clothing in my life. I brought in a mini ironing board along with an iron and physically demonstrated proper ironing technique. The speech went well and I received praise for my use of props during my presentation.

The last assignment was a presentation on a topic of our choice. I chose to present on why you should purchase UConn basketball season tickets. This is a topic that I am very involved and interested in. I have purchased season tickets for the past 4 years! To start off my presentation I took off my sweatshirt and sweat pants to reveal my complete UConn basketball uniform. This got my fellow tract members laughing and it was a great way to start my presentation.

Over the course of the semester, Dr. S helped me recognize and work on my weaknesses and at the same time taught me to play up my strengths. For example, I do a good job of proper posture and gestures while I give presentations but I struggle with getting my audience involved. Dr. S offered constructive criticism after my presentations that allowed me to engage my audience while presenting.

This semester has flown by but I can proudly say I have developed new skills and have become an effective public speaker! Dr. S and Paul’s hard work have really paid off and I look forward to seeing the direction of this curriculum as the years go on!

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